After several months of dedicated work, my new Warhammer 40k army is finally coming together: the Adeptus Custodes! A significant part of the project involved converting all Custodes models to TrueScale, making them a head taller than a Space Marine. One thing I don't like about the models is that they are way too small! In the background, the Custodes are taller than Space Marines and much taller than normal humans. Unfortunately, the legs on the official Games Workshop miniatures are far too short and, in my opinion, the proud Custodes look more like golden guardians with stubby legs. That's why I decided to build the Custodes in True Scale and to lengthen each Custodes between foot and knee by 3mm and between knee and hip by another 2-3mm, i.e. by 5-6mm in total. Now they look like real Custodes in my opinion! I had an absolute blast painting this elite force, especially using the Gold Pigment from Greenstuffworld. The result is stunning, and the gold looks incredible. ...