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Back into Infinity the game - Shasvastii finished, Onyx incoming

It's been a while... time for a hobby update!
Although it is a phenomenal intelligent and thought-through game system, Kings of War just couldn't replace the old Warhammer in my local community (Düsseldorf and surroundings). After the death of Warhammer Fantasy, most players were looking for a substitute system and were playing around with different games. Of course, they´d rather like to use their loving armies, they had collected and painted the years before than throwing them away for something completely new. So they had to look for a new rule system to play them. For mass battle systems, there were only two game systems worthwhile: Mantic's Kings of War and the community project 9th Age.

In the end, 9th Age made it. I guess rules wise it is similar to the old Warhammer 8th edition and therefore more complex than Kings of War while people didn't have to change much and continue playing their loving game.
I haven't tried 9th Age to date (also I will definitely in the future) and stayed with Kings of War because I think it's the best mass battle fantasy system: easy to learn, hard to master as well as fairly balanced. With the situation of no KoW tournaments and very few players around my area, I got back to another game, I really enjoyed years ago: Infinity the game.
Playing the game very intense during its second edition and painting loads of pretty awesome miniatures on the way, I've been very stoked delving into the new edition, with updated rules and story background as well as a lot of new sculpts! As far as I can tell, the game really has me in its grip and I totally fell in love with this game, again.
"Infinity is a tabletop wargame in which sci-fi themed miniatures are used to simulate futuristic skirmishes. Infinity recreates Direct Action operations, high-stakes missions in the battlefront or behind enemy lines, where victory or death are a trigger pull away. Players command a small group of elite soldiers, chosen for their adequacy to the mission parameters at hand. Each battle calls for a different composition, and building an effective team from hand-picked members of different regiments is key to a successful operation."
What I like most about this game? Besides the complex and elaborated rules, the fast-paced action, the interesting story, and art, it is by far the miniatures! The sculpts are without comparison, so much detail, such great design!

I started with the Evolved Intelligence, an alien AI with a vast wealth of knowledge and a cold, relentless will, has conquered, subjugated and annihilated entire civilizations to fulfill its ultimate ambition: Transcendence unto a higher evolutionary plane. To that end, the EI has created a well-honed instrument of conquest: the Combined Army. In it, the AI has gathered some of the most dangerous species from its cosmic domains.

Following you`ll find my Shasvastii Expeditionary Force, one of the species of the Combined Army, ready for battle.

I´m really happy having finished all the Shasvastii and looking forward to painting my Onyx Contact Force:

Hope you like the miniatures so far. There will be more Infinity content soon!



  1. Im reviewing all your work because I love the atmosphere of your combined army.
    It will be too much to ask the recipe for the basing of the Sphinx??
    Are you using cork with any vallejo gel??
    Thank you so much.
    Regards, Álvaro.


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