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Tyranid Swarm 'Knochenfresser' Expands – My Growing Warhammer 40K Army

Even though nothing has been posted here for a while, I have not been idle. Over the past few months, I’ve completed my Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies, such as Soulblight Gravelords and Sylvaneth, and have fully focused on expanding my beloved and so far only Warhammer 40K army – the Tyranids.

Expanding the Knochenfresser Swarm – A Three-Year Project

My goal is to finish my Tyranid Swarm 'Knochenfresser' this year, completing a project that has been in progress for three years. The Tyranids were my first Warhammer 40K army. I was drawn to them by their incredible aesthetics – and this impression has only been reinforced with the 10th Edition Tyranid update, which introduced reworked models and exciting new units.

When I started 40K three years ago, I didn’t know much about the lore. The Tyranids were a great beginner army, as their theme of an all-consuming alien force was easy to grasp. The customization aspect has always been my favorite part of the Warhammer hobby, which I have explored extensively with my Sylvaneth army 'The Cherry Blossom Grove' and my Soulblight Gravelords army 'The Klingenberg Legion' in Age of Sigmar.

That said, painting a Tyranid swarm is a massive undertaking. The sheer number of miniatures is daunting, both on the battlefield and as a hobby project. Now, three years later, the Knochenfresser Swarm has grown tremendously and has seen many battles!

My Completed Tyranid Army – 4,500 Points

Here is a list of my fully painted Tyranid units, totaling 4,500 points:


  • Broodlord
  • Deathleaper
  • Hive Tyrant
  • Neurotyrant
  • Old One Eye
  • Tervigon
  • The Swarmlord
  • Winged Hive Tyrant
  • Winged Tyranid Prime


  • 30x Hormagaunts
  • 40x Termagants with Devourer

Other Datasheets:

  • 5x Barbgaunts
  • 10x Genestealers
  • 5x Ripper Swarms
  • 6x Tyranid Warriors with Ranged Bio-weapons
  • 3x Venomthropes 
  • 3x Von Ryan’s Leapers 
  • 6x Zoanthropes
  • 1x Neurolictor 
  • 2x Lictor
  • 1x Haruspex
  • 1x Exocrine
  • 1x Screamer-Killer
  • 1x Tyrannofex 
  • 1x Norn Assimilator
  • 1x Norn Emissary
  • 1x Psychophage
  • 1x Maleceptor
  • 1x Mawloc
  • 11x Neurogaunts
  • 1x Biovores
  • 1x Pyrovores 

Remaining Units – 985 Points to Go!

To reach my goal of completing the Knochenfresser Swarm by the end of the year, I still need to paint the following 985 points:

  • 20x Termagants with Spinefists
  • 40x Termagants with Fleshborer
  • 5x Carnifexes

Warhammer 40K Gaming Table & Cinematic Photography

n addition to expanding my Tyranid Swarm, I have also spent the last few months building a Warhammer 40K gaming table with terrain. One thing that always amazes me is how hobbyists photograph their miniatures in such a cinematic way, making it feel like you're standing in the middle of a battlefield. I wanted to achieve the same effect!

So, I took the opportunity to photograph all my newly painted Tyranid miniatures on my custom-built gaming table. Here are the results – enjoy!



  1. Lovely work! They look amazing as a group. I particularly like the scenic shots with the terrain. And of course the added Rippers on the Norn Emissary's base are great! They really sell the sense of scale - the swarm has organisms of every size to still it's hunger!


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