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Showing posts with the label Custodes

Adeptus Custodes in True Scale – My New Warhammer 40K Army

After several months of dedicated work, my new Warhammer 40K Adeptus Custodes army is finally coming together! True Scale Adeptus Custodes – A Necessary Conversion A significant part of this project involved converting all Custodes models to True Scale, making them a head taller than a Space Marine. One issue I’ve always had with the standard models is their size—far too small! According to the lore, Adeptus Custodes are taller than Space Marines and much larger than normal humans. However, the official Games Workshop miniatures don’t reflect this, especially due to their short legs. To fix this, I decided to scale my Custodes properly by lengthening each model: 3mm between foot and knee 2-3mm between knee and hip Total height increase: 5-6mm Now, they truly look like the towering golden warriors they are meant to be! Painting the Adeptus Custodes – The Power of Gold I had an absolute blast painting this elite force, especially using the Gold Pigment from Greenstuffworld. The metallic...