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Showing posts with the label Infinity the game

Infinity Aleph Steel Phalanx army painted in Gold TMM ready to rumble!

It`s been a while since I posted some hobby stuff but I haven`t been lazy. A new Infinity the game army have come into my possession: The Assault Subsection, more commonly known as the Myrmidon Army or “the Steel Phalanx of ALEPH”, was created by the AI as a response to the unstoppable menace of the Combined Army. Commanded by Achilles and forged in the crucible of war, the Steel Phalanx is an unyielding force worthy of the Trojan War’s epic poems. It is a shock force with a focus on brutal direct assaults, and the chief weapon of ALEPH in its personal feud against its fearsome alien counterpart, the EI. I love Greek mythology and it`s ancient heroes. In my youth, I`ve read about the myths of the heroes of the Trojan War and of Homer's epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey. I imagined these ancient Greek warriors as a bright, idealistic and heroic force. That made me very exciting painting and playing the Steel Phalanx of Aleph. What`s even cooler th...

Finished Overdron Batroid for my Infinity the game Onyx Contact Force

Finished the fourth TAG for myInfinity the game Onyx Contact Force, the Overdron Batroid! It's is a huge techno-organic batroid, a perfect engine of destruction for the EI. It will hopefully soon prove itself in battle!

First Airbrush paintjob on Xeodron Batroids from Infinity the game

Some years ago, when I became more and more experienced in painting miniatures and tried to get better results with new techniques, I also heard a lot of talk about the usage of an airbrush for miniature painting. That caught my interest immediately! After watching quite a few videos and reading many articles on the internet about airbrushing, there seemed to be some patterns of techniques to produce some great results.

Fraacta Drop Units and first Onyx Contact Force experience

Hi, fellow Hobby-Maniacs, I have been pretty busy assembling and painting my Infinity the game Onyx Contact Force for a tournament. Love the game, love the miniatures. I really enjoy painting the alien force Onyx because it has so many different miniatures and colors schemes to paint them with.

Onyx Contact Force Reinforcements: Umbra Legate and Umbra Samaritan

Hey all, get ready for the arrival of the reinforcements for the Combined Army: The Umbra! One of the most dangerous, murderous races in the entire universal warriorhood. Mysterious martial artists from an unidentified planet, the Umbra have been the scourge of the cosmos for ages. Subjugated, dominated or seduced by the EI, they have become its field assistants, a conduit through which the Evolved Intelligence makes its wishes known. They serve as the EI’s heralds, enforcers, mediators, lieutenants, judges, executioners and right-hand men. Brought forth by the darkness, these cruel entities hold a fearsome power that the EI harnesses to inflict the worst punishments and lead mass destruction operations as their wrath seethes unmeasurably.

Back into Infinity the game - Shasvastii finished, Onyx incoming

It's been a while... time for a hobby update! Although it is a phenomenal intelligent and thought-through game system, Kings of War just couldn't replace the old Warhammer in my local community (Düsseldorf and surroundings). After the death of Warhammer Fantasy, most players were looking for a substitute system and were playing around with different games. Of course, they´d rather like to use their loving armies, they had collected and painted the years before than throwing them away for something completely new. So they had to look for a new rule system to play them. For mass battle systems, there were only two game systems worthwhile: Mantic's Kings of War and the community project 9th Age.