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Showing posts with the label Malifaux

Malifaux painting mania: Wildfire, Marshal and Family crew!

In the last couple of months, I dived even deeper into the world of Malifaux and really got sucked into the unique lore and the challenging game mechanics. Exploring my 2 factions Arcanists and Guild have been so a good time! In my experience, this is the best motivation to get back to the painting table and continue splashing colors around and making progress. The result of this crazy and Malifaux painting mania: The Wildfire crew Guild Marshal Crew  Guild Family crew 

Malifaux Death Marshal crew and hobby plans for 2020

First of all, I wish you a happy new year! May all your wishes come true and your painting motivation be endless! I finished this amazing year with one of my favorites sculpts from Wyrd Games: the Lady Justice crew . This crew kind of drew me into Malifaux at the first place. I mean a sexy blind lady brandishing a great sword into combat and leading the Death marshals, a group of near-dead cowboys, and their crusade against the threat of necromancy. Isn`t that totally crazy?!? I love it! Enough words, let's take a look at the paint jobs of these awesome models: Lady Justice leading her Death Marshals against the Undead! Lady Justice, her Totem Scales of Justice and the Judge The Death Marshals   Besides the main Marshal crew, I also finished some Guild versatile models: Pale Rider and Guild Steward Group picture of the Guild Marshal crew Looking back at my 2019 hobby year I mainly focused on miniatures from Infinity the game and Malifaux. Rea...

Stompy robots! Malifaux crew led by Charles Hofman

Bad things happen in Malifaux...actually not this time, because I have just finished the Malifaux Guild crew consisting of awesome stompy robots led by Charles Hofman . I really like the story behind this guy and can't wait to play my first games in Malifaux Third Edition with him, either as Guild or as Arcanists. In the lore, Hofman is the leader of the Guild’s Amalgamation Office but has quietly joined the Arcanists and now serves both groups to the best of his ability. That makes him a very interesting character. Hope you like the paint job. In my local game club, we'll start a beginner league. I still haven't decided with which of my crews I should join the league, Hofman as a Guild or Arcanist leader or Victor Ramos . The other option would be starting a new crew. Love the aesthetics of the Arcanists Rasputina crew, so maybe I will take a closer look at a Winter crew. What's your favorite Malifaux crew?

Bad things happen...getting into Malifaux!

I´ve always had an eye on the beautiful Malifaux miniatures produced by Wyrd Games . Not only are the sculpts really cool, but they are also plastic. A fact I really enjoy, as a painter as well as a gamer. If you are not familiar with Malifaux: It has dark, fantasy, steampunk, and horror elements at the same time, has an evolving, compelling and unique story and is set in a world full of magic and technology. Malifaux is a skirmish miniatures game involving gang warfare in the ruins of a crumbling city., called Malifaux. The city was discovered through a portal into another world. This world is a source of the valuable mineral known as Soulstones which allows for magical effects. Games pit masters and their crews against one another for control of this resource. For my first crew, I`ve chosen Victor Ramos and his companions. I really liked the look of these constructs and had a blast painting them. Now I am ready for my first Malifaux Game. By the way, the third edition of Malifaux ...