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Rebasing square to round bases tutorial

In 2015 when Warhammer Fantasy was replaced with the first edition of Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop decided not only to change the ruleset and the narrative of the game, they also changed the base-size of their Fantasy miniature range from square to round bases. All these changes had a big impact on my tabletop hobby. I have been pretty disappointed in the ruleset and was not willing to continue playing Warhammer and turned my back on it. This change honestly hit me quite hard but in retrospective, it brought new chances. I dived into Infinity the game , Malifaux , Kings of War , Boardgames, The Walking Dead and more. This led me to embrace all the variety and opportunities the tabletop world had to offer. The coming years after the initial launch of Age of Sigmar I watched with interest at the products Games workshop published as well as the overall development of the company. 2018/19 I noticed the change of GW's marketing activities and with the launch of the second edition of...