Even though nothing has been posted here for a while, I have not been idle. Over the past few months, I’ve completed my Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies, such as Soulblight Gravelords and Sylvaneth, and have fully focused on expanding my beloved and so far only Warhammer 40K army – the Tyranids. Expanding the Knochenfresser Swarm – A Three-Year Project My goal is to finish my Tyranid Swarm 'Knochenfresser' this year, completing a project that has been in progress for three years. The Tyranids were my first Warhammer 40K army. I was drawn to them by their incredible aesthetics – and this impression has only been reinforced with the 10th Edition Tyranid update, which introduced reworked models and exciting new units. When I started 40K three years ago, I didn’t know much about the lore. The Tyranids were a great beginner army, as their theme of an all-consuming alien force was easy to grasp. The customization aspect has always been my favorite part of the Warhammer hobby, which I ...