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Showing posts with the label Undead

Showcasing My Soulblight Gravelords Army on my New Fantasy Terrain Board

My Soulblight Gravelords on New Fantasy Terrain The undead legions rise once more! My Soulblight Gravelords   - The Klingenberg Legion - army has been a staple of my collection for quite some time, but with the recent completion of my new fantasy terrain board, I finally had the perfect setting to showcase them. Seeing these battle-worn warriors placed in a cinematic environment truly brings them to life (or rather, un-life). An Old Army in a Fresh Setting The Soulblight Gravelords have long been one of my favorite armies, painted and refined over time. With the newly built fantasy terrain, my army finally has a backdrop that complements its dark aesthetic. Ancient ruins, bones and twisted forests set the stage for these cursed warriors, enhancing their sinister presence in front of my camera. A Glimpse at the Army - Photo Showcase Expanding the Dead Though my Soulblight Gravelords army has already been a long-term project, I’m planning to expand and refine it further in 2025 by ...

Wolves for Legions of Nagash!

Reinforcements for my Warhammer Legions of Nagash army. I painted the fourth of the Forgeworld Skin Wolves to play them as Morghast Archai. And if this weren't enough wolves, I also finished 10 Dire Wolves from Games Workshop - all bloody, dirty and murderous! Hope you like them.

Rebasing square to round bases tutorial

In 2015 when Warhammer Fantasy was replaced with the first edition of Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop decided not only to change the ruleset and the narrative of the game, they also changed the base-size of their Fantasy miniature range from square to round bases. All these changes had a big impact on my tabletop hobby. I have been pretty disappointed in the ruleset and was not willing to continue playing Warhammer and turned my back on it. This change honestly hit me quite hard but in retrospective, it brought new chances. I dived into Infinity the game , Malifaux , Kings of War , Boardgames, The Walking Dead and more. This led me to embrace all the variety and opportunities the tabletop world had to offer. The coming years after the initial launch of Age of Sigmar I watched with interest at the products Games workshop published as well as the overall development of the company. 2018/19 I noticed the change of GW's marketing activities and with the launch of the second edition of...

Undead Cursed Pharaoh - Kings of War

Hi fellow Nerds, as Mantic´s Kings of War brings loads of new opportunities for my undead army, I checked my Bitzbox and found an interesting piece of the Games Workshop Vampire Counts Mortarch Kit : Arkhan the Black. From the kit, I´ve only used Manfred von Carstein so far as my Vampire on a dragon.

Vampire Counts Blood Knights - Kings of War!

After a long break from the hobby, mainly because Games Workshop killed Warhammer Fantasy and took any motivation away from me to paint or even get some games in, I finally went back to some painting. What brought me back and has been my personal light at the end of the tunnel, was Mantics Kings of War 2nd Edition ! What a great game, it is not just an alternative to Warhammer, it´s even better!

Vampire Counts Morghast Harbingers aka Skin Wolves from Forgeworld

For a coming tournament, I speed-painted these Skin Wolves from Forgeworld which I´m gonna use as Morghast Harbingers.

Vampire Counts Varghulf - Repaint

I just finished the Repaint of my Vampire Counts Varghulf. I decided to repaint it because the paint job was hardly damaged after several years of Wargaming and it wasn´t really that well :)

Mourngul - quick & dirty!

Hi there, just finished my Mourngul from Forgeworld . I´m going to play it in my Warhammer Fantasy Vampire Counts army. Tried to paint him like the nightmare it is - bloody, dark and dirty. Hope you like it!

Vampire Counts Black Knights and Zombie Dragon / Dread Abyssal WIP

Hi all, some Black Knights joined the Klingenberg Legion . I first time tried pigments and used them very chaotically :)

Vampire Counts Fell Bats - Alternative Models

Hi all, just finished four Vampire Counts Fell Bats . Love these undead flying beasts! Tried to make them kind of scary.

Vampire Counts / Undead army

I´d like to present to you my Warhammer Vampire Counts army. It is the first army I painted and also the reason why I started the hobby: Warhammer Fantasy. The Vampire counts project found it´s beginning in June 2010. It nearly includes all possible units of the army book, but for this presentation, I first show you the units which stay the same and won´t get a repaint soon - means, the units I´m ok with regarding the painting quality.